(800) 697-8062

Data Center

Webb Core provides customers with high security data center containment system

The Webb Core Advantage:

  • Improved Cooling
  • Improved Security
  • Reduced Power Consumption
  • Design by Cleanroom and Ceiling Specialists

ASHRAE's "Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environment" recommends a temperature range of 16-24c (61-75f) and humidity range of 40-55% with maximum dew point of 15c as optimal for data center conditions.

From concept to reality, Webb Core, Inc. Data Center Division provides our customers with the performance they expect from a high security data center containment system.

Data Center cleanroom system

Click on image for a large view.

cleanroom Cover sheet

Cover Sheet

cleanroon floor plan

Floor Plan

clearroon floor plan 3D

Floor Plan 3D

cleanroon relected ceiling plan

Reflected Ceiling Plan

cleanroom front elevation

Front Elevation

cleanroom back elevation

Back Elevation

clean room left elevation

Left Elevation

cleanroon right elevation

Right Elevation

cleanroom aisle section

Aisle Section

clearnroom pod plan

4' x 26' Pod Plan

cleanroom pod interior elevation

4' x26' Pod Interior Elevation

clearnroom access door

Access Door

cleanroom details
